Job hunting

Job hunting
Поиск работы

Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "Job hunting" в других словарях:

  • Job hunting — or job seeking is the act of looking for employment, due to unemployment or discontent with a current position. The immediate goal of job seeking is usually to obtain a job interview with an employer which may lead to getting hired. The job… …   Wikipedia

  • job-hunting — job hunter ˈjob ˌhunter noun [countable] someone who is looking for a job; =job seeker: • Slowdowns in several big industries had made New York a desert for job hunters. job hunt noun [countable] : • She had just embarked on a job hunt in Chicago …   Financial and business terms

  • job hunting — UK US noun [U] (also job hunt [C]) ► HR the activity of trying to find a job: »If you would like to know more about successful job hunting, ask for the leaflet Get that Job . »As part of her job hunt, she attended a networking event. »job hunting …   Financial and business terms

  • job hunting — job searching, act of looking for an employment position …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Job Hunting Expenses — Deductible expenses incurred while searching for a job in the same or similar line of work. These expenses are deductible regardless of whether you find a new job. The expenses are not deductible if it is your first job after completing school …   Investment dictionary

  • job-hunt — job hunter ˈjob ˌhunter noun [countable] someone who is looking for a job; =job seeker: • Slowdowns in several big industries had made New York a desert for job hunters. job hunt noun [countable] : • She had just embarked on a job hunt in Chicago …   Financial and business terms

  • job-hunt — job hunter, n. /job hunt /, v.i. to seek employment; look for a job. [1945 50] * * * v. [intrans.] [usu. as n.] job hunting informal seek employment Derivatives: job hunter n. * * * ˈjob hunt [job hunt …   Useful english dictionary

  • job-hunter — ˈjob ˌhunter noun [countable] someone who is looking for a job; =job seeker: • Slowdowns in several big industries had made New York a desert for job hunters. job hunt noun [countable] : • She had just embarked on a job hunt in Chicago, where she …   Financial and business terms

  • job hunt — UK US noun [C] HR ► JOB HUNTING(Cf. ↑job hunting) …   Financial and business terms

  • went job hunting — searched for a new job …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Job interview — Oakland, California. Hanging Around. The total time spent in actual interviews while hunting a job takes only a small part of the day; unwilling to go home these youths spend most of their day hanging around and talking with other job hunters.… …   Wikipedia

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